Welcome to the NCDPI Launch Pad!
This website contains frequently used links and resources for employees of the Department of Public Instruction. Most of the links will require a password to access. It is recommended that you bookmark this page or set it as your start page in your browser.
News and Updates
- Large Room Reservation Requests
- Office Supply Requests! Use this form to request office supplies.
- New Data Security and Survey Governance Procedures! The Division of Technology Services and Digital Learning has released new standard operating procedures for the storage and sharing of Agency data and survey data collection.
Frequently Used Applications
Microsoft 365 Primary email, calendaring, document storage, and collaboration tool for DPI employees. This includes links to Outlook for email and calendar as well as Sharepoint for team collaboration.
Google Drive Document storage and collaboration tool available for use by DPI employees.
Nintex Automation Cloud Process tool used for the completion of various DPI workflows, including demographic updates/electronic signature generation, teleworking, and submission of materials for State Board of Education meetings.
Key Resources
Collaboration Platforms
Microsoft Teams Primary messaging and meeting system within the Department of Public Instruction.
Cisco WebEx Phone system for DPI employees, also allowing for video conferencing, collaboration, and meeting capabilities for up to 350 people.
Zoom Online meeting and collaboration platform. All DPI employees may create meetings up to 40 minutes. Some DPI employees may have licenses for longer meetings.
Google Meet Online meeting and collaboration platform available to all NC DPI employees.